Monday, September 10, 2012

Shady Affair (Part 1)

I've wanted to put this post up for some time but I was just too lazy to pull these out from my stash of chaos (junk) piled up in my cupboard. The paint work and lots of cleaning was just an excuse, but I finally did it!!


I got these during my holiday trip to Spain in July this year. I was so inspired by this lady who did her own Victorian lamps for sale online, so I decided to attempt doing it for my room since my theme is French/Victorian. Hers are very detailed and ornate, hence, commanding a high price. I fell in love with it immediately. Because it is a lot of handy work, the lamp is an art piece on its own. Take a look:

Victorian lamps are all about the shades and the antique body.

In Singapore, such lamps are hard to find, even if you can find one, it may not be the one you like and it cost a lot. Else, it will be a replica where they use cheap materials to produce which I didn't like the effect too. Naturally, I was in a fix. Where to find all these materials? First things first, I had to find the lamp body. So since I was in Europe, might as well look for it. 

I was in Paris earlier and dropped by the Saint Ouen flea market. I read that they sell lots of old antique French furniture there. It was an eye opener, however, it was a disappointing trip. Don't be fooled by the word "Flea Market". It's pretty pricey! It'd be best you brought along a local who can show you around and speak the language, if not, I think the chances of being cheated is high.

I ended up not buying anything, not only it is expensive, I'm unsure if the item is genuinely antique or not.

Then, in one of the day trips in Segovia-Madrid, I found it! It wasn't that antique looking, but it is made of brass. The design is Victorian enough and it doesn't cost a fortune.


Lamp DIY Check List:

  • Brass Body (bought!)
  • Victorian lamp shades
  • Beads
  • Fabric
  • Laces & Embroidery

Now on to the question, "Where to get Victorian lamp shades?" Well, I'm still looking out for these. I hope to get it in Singapore or Malaysia. Last choice will be from the internet (straight from lamp shade suppliers) because you usually have to buy a minimum quantity.

Basically, the rest of the items should be easy to get unless you want exotic laces/ fabrics and ready made embroidery patterns. 

*Sigh* I'll keep you posted when I find the treasure. X'O

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